Monday, 4 June 2012


We're challenging you to cut the cost of your weekly shop by up to 30% by shopping at Glossop Market instead of a big supermarket chain store.  Everybody knows that we're in the middle of the worst recession for many years and at times like this we all need to watch the pennies and make the most of what money we have.  Research has shown that you can save up to 30% on your shopping bill by shopping at markets where there are bargains galore.  So we'd like to challenge you to swap the convenience and "free parking" - which is actually costing you up to 30 pence for every pound you spend - for just one week and shop at your local market instead.

No doubt you're asking if you can get everything you need to feed your family for the week from our markets.  The answer is a big resounding YES and I'll even be posting recession busting recipes for main meals every day this week, starting tomorrow, using ingredients that I've bought from the traders at Glossop Outdoor and Indoor Market Complex and telling you which stalls to buy the ingredients from.

I hope you're up for the challenge because I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the money you can save every week by shopping with us.  Some of our stall holders even provide a "carry to your car or home delivery" service too, and unlike the large supermarket chains, this service is free of charge!

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